History of Shul

  • 5778

    Be part of our future, help us raise the needed funds for our new shul

    We started out initially with the plan’s to have once a month a minyan in 23 halley, on shabbos mevorchim, starting with חספ .רחז תבש, we decided to make a minyan for all the davening, having to count to ensure we would have 10 people committed for each tefillah. ה”ב, we had a great turn out, and from there on the ןינמ continued to grow. People enjoyed the notion of a serious ןינמ, and סנעגנערבראפ עגיצראה. Soon we started to outgrow our location.

  • 5778

    Move to 130 Camp hill

    With help from םשה, we were able to secure a property on 130 Camp Hill drive. It had to be gutted and turned into a shul, but soon this became our new home. A home in which we were able to add daily םינינמ, and daily learning. קחצי יול תיב soon became a place where people would go to learn at any time of the day.

  • 5778

    Bursting through the seams.

    With many families moving to Pomona, ה”ב, at first we couldn’t fit everyone so easily anymore for םיבוט םימי, and soon it become the norm that the shul is packed. When you come for a regular shabbos, there is often just no space. We have reached beyond our physical capacity. There are multiple minyanim every day and often people don’t have place to park. We have reached a point that during a simcha in our shul, some people left because there was no space. We need to expand.

  • 5778

    Mikvah Opening

    With the addition of a הוקמ, our shul finally had all the amenities you would expect in a Anash shul. Our small shul has grown into a full fledged community and now the community has all the foundations which attract chassidische family to our community from all over.

What are we achieving by expanding

ב”ה we need more space on a regular basis. Space for children to sit next to their parent, space for a proper woman’s section, space for people to be able to sit down when there is a simcha and people should be able to come and daven with מנוחת הנפש. In the new building plans, we will אי”ה be able to generously accommodate our growing community both on a weekly basis as well as during שמחות

We have קע״ה many children in our community. As part of the expansion, we will be able to create space where we can have children's programs even when it snows or is freezing cold. This will also help reduce the noise in shul that children will inevidently create as they have an enjoyable time.

We recently launched our very own Nsei Chabad, who have been regularly active. We have frequent farbrengens for יומי דפגרא, and other community events. With a dedicated hall for these events, we can not only host more people, but also hold them without disturbing our regular day to day schedule.

Often people want to continue to learn, but there is a scheduled מעריב, or someone wants to daven בעבודה but there is a farbrengen going on. With the new shul layout, we will have plenty of separate spaces so that learning, davening and farbrengens can all happen simultaneously without disturbing each other. אי”ה this will enable an increase in תורה and עבודה.

With the walls of our shul currently covered with ספרים it is time for a dedicated library. This library will enable us to have even more ספרים, as well as having a place to learn, research and delve into תורה. During shabbos this will also be a place where people will be able to daven בעבודה.

With the new facilities, we will also be able to hold shiurim more frequently, without worrying about disturbing people that come to learn by themselves or בחברותא. We hope to אי”ה add shiurim such as הלכות שבת for woman and many other topics.

With the amount of people that use the mikvah daily, it is time for us to add proper mikvah facilities such as showers and bathrooms. The new plans allow for a bigger mikvah building, with nicer facilities.

We need your help to make our new shul a reality.

We have the plans ready, now we need to raise the funds. For that we need your help. Many hands contributing to this will be key to our success.

We need your help to make our new shul a reality.

We've already completed the plans; we just need to raise the money. You are needed to assist us in that. Our success will depend on many people pitching in.